The effects of COVID-19 on our health is still emerging; however, here’s what you can do.

What we can do: 

  • Seek medical care, if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever, cough or difficulty breathing. 
  • If you or someone you care for is at a high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, take steps to protect them and you from getting sick.  
  • Take CDC recommended precautions to protect yourself and others. 
  • Cope with stress to protect yourself and others.
  • Connect with your family and friends, while limiting face-to-face contact with others. 

Why wear a mask? 

Recent studies suggest that COVID-19 may be transmitted by infected persons even in the absence of disease symptoms. While social distancing and good hand hygiene are the most important methods to prevent virus transmission, new guidelines suggest that individuals should consider wearing masks in public settings, particularly when physical distancing is difficult (like in grocery stores or pharmacies). The primary benefits of wearing a mask include limiting the spread of the virus from someone who knows or does not know they have an infection to others. Masks also remind others to continue practicing physical distancing. 

More detailed information is available on the CDC website: